At the start of my Masters course, I wanted to keep focusing on Game Jams, as well as my studies. Keeping me designing frequently, and kindling my love for making games. These games were all important lessons for me, and track my improvement as the games went on. My personal favorites are on my home page, but all the rest will remain here. More detailed writeups of each game will be accessible under the “Read More” section, detailing my process, lessons learned, and feedback/responses.
Click on the images below to play the games online.
July 2021 - Solo Project
7 day Games Jobs Live
Theme: One Time Use
For this Jam, I wanted to create a game whereby the player had a “one time use” item, in this cas the pistol, but never felt overly punished for using it. Restarting the game was a core mechanic due to it being a time loop. I also focused on conveying what was happening to the player, with the entire level revolving around the central reactor.
March 2021 - Team Project (Designer)
24hr UKIE Mobo Jam
Theme: Water
We wanted to enforce the importance of water, so we tied your limited supply of water to jumping, each time you jump, water is spilled. This worked well, and feedback from players about it was positive. Due to the very short nature of 24 hours though several bugs were present, but we felt it had appropriate polish for a game jam project.
February 2021 - Solo Project (Audio and Character animations supplied)
72hr Wowie Jam
Theme: Failure is Progress
Fractured is a meta game about travelling down through levels of reality. Heavily inspired by films such as “Inception” and “The Matrix”, as well as games such as “The Stanley Parable” and “Limbo”. Fractured constantly subverts player expectation, and provides a good laugh in the end.
January 2021 - Team Project (Designer)
48HR Globabl Game Jam
Theme: Lost and Found
The Long Bridge Home is a top down puzzle game about building bridges out of Tetris pieces to then help a bear traverse to the other side of the river. Here I focused on the systems of the games, and the levels to capitalise on the systems. Creating a puzzle system that had multiple solutions, as well as an amount of depth. Unfortunately, there were too many solutions, and due to the size of the tetris pieces, most of the puzzles were too simple. However I did learn about making puzzles, and trying to prevent users taking too easy solutions.
November 2020 - Team Project (Designer and Programmer)
24HR Ukie Jam
THeme: Diversity And Inclusivity.
The Kind-ers is about a band of 4 individuals who have to solve puzzles together, leaving none behind. Inspired by games such as Trine and Thomas Was Alone.
OCtober 2020 - Solo project (Audio Supplied)
48HR Abertay Game Development Society
Theme: Out of this World
My longest Jam game made to date, focusing on a solid set of physics, and then toying around with that. The simplicity of a single shot, and a single input worked very well, but the game was almost too long for a Jam, with 18 holes, and taking around 15 minutes, I believe I could have refined it down to 8 more concise and interesting holes.
August 2020 - Solo project (Audio Supplied)
48 Game Maker’s Toolkit Jam
Theme: Out Of Control
In this jam I tried to implement too much as a lone designer, again, while I believe the idea was solid, it was not appropriate for a 48 hour jam, but helped me gain perspective on scale of projects like this. Leading subsequent solo jams to be significantly smaller, focusing on something that could be conveyed briefly.
Autumn 2019 - Solo project (Audio Supplied)
Final Year Project
No theme given
Off Beat was created for my undergraduate degree, for a games module. The requirements were fully open-ended, with an emphasis on originality and the design of the game.
This game was created with a very limited engine Processing 4, hence why the graphics look so basic, additionally, all collisions and physics were implemented by hand. The core design is still strong, despite mediocre performance.
November 2018 - Team Project (Technical & Level Designer)
72 Hour Ludum Dare Jam
THeme: Sacrifices Must Be Made
This game was my first ever Jam game. It has some strong concepts that I would like to revisit, ideas of losing humanity to upgrade your character, however we were unable to fully realise this concept in the time frame. Additionally, the lack of sound spurred me to always include sound in every future release.