Jam Game - Theme “Diversity and Inclusivity”
Team Project - Design and Code
November - 2020
Runner Up
For the Game Jam, a team of students and I created a 2D platformer with a theme of diversity and inclusivity. The goal was to have 4 characters, who all needed to reach the goal, and had their own unique abilities and stats.
In the planning stage, I engaged with the rest of the team, as we bounced our ideas around. It took several hours to finally settle on an idea we were all happy with. The idea was a combination of many previous ideas, all brought together, borrowing design philosophies from Thomas Was Alone. I assisted the artists in designing the characters, so their abilities and actions would suit their aesthetic as best as possible and creating their abilities, intending to take a role as a technical designer rather than a full on programmer.
Instead, after delays from issues pertaining to GitHub, I was left the sole-coder of the project, while my teammate passed me scripts every now and then to implement into the project. Meanwhile I turned art assets into sprite-sheets, implemented the animations and inserted the audio and graphics for the game.
Response and Self-Assessment
Achieving runner up, from 300 students, across 70 teams in Ukie’s 2020 Game Jam. The team is immensely happy with our achievement, and proud of what we’ve produced. The game is short, demonstrating a concept I think there’s a lot of well designed depth to the game I would really like to explore. The full writeup of the game can be read below.
Play online
If you would like to play the game for yourself, you can click the link below to be taken to the Itch.io page, and run it in your browser.
GitHub was used as version control, and for a collaboration tool between the team, as well as a Microsoft Teams repository. The GitHub can be found at the link below, along with the history.