Jam Game - Theme “Other World”
Solo Project - Music Provided by friend
October - 2020
For the Jam I created a 2D golfing game, using Newtonian Physics. I wanted to scale down my aspirations from previous game jams, create something that could be completed briefly, so wouldn’t outstay its welcome, and with simple mechanics, so I could spend more time focusing and balancing content for the game.
I also wanted to focus on the simplicity and intuitiveness of the game. Involve a single button input with the mouse button, and a line behind the golf ball showing more clearly the path it had taken.
In an effort to keep the game light and fun, I had great enjoyment with friends and family coming up with the worst puns possible for each stage. Some didn’t have too great names, more indicating what the level would involve, but I particularly enjoyed “The Sand Trap of Mars”, and “Fairway to Heaven”. Though sadly the latter couldn’t fit a level.

Response and Self-Assessment
Overall I’m very proud of this game. It is simple, intuitive and all reports from players have been incredibly positive.
If I were to develop it further, I’d possibly remove the aliasing issues by converting the project to Unity’s URP or LWRP, then add in more options for courses, with new mechanics, and new physics interactions.
Finally I’d add a reference of the last shot the player took, so they can better plan their next shot with more information.
Play online
If you would like to play the game for yourself, you can click the link below to be taken to the Itch.io page, and run it in your browser.